Frontline Staff Officer Safety - How to be safe, aware, and customer service focused

Thursday, June 2, 2022 (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (PDT)


Most frontline staff in parking and community services are non-sworn civilians. The public sees the uniform and expects us to respond like a sworn law enforcement officer. As non-sworn employees, we may be lacking in training for de-escalation, officer safety, and defensive tactics. In this class, you will be taught officer safety and how to interact with the public from a law enforcement perspective. Your body language, voice, and facial expressions all affect how the interaction will go. In this class you will learn how to be safe, aware, engaged, and still provide excellent customer service. You will learn the art of de-escalation and how to handle an angry customer and have them walk away feeling heard and understood. 

Learning Objectives: 

•Understand how your body language, voice, and facial expressions can affect the outcome of any contact with the public 

•De-escalation techniques 

•Understand how to remain professional and provide excellent customer service while still standing your ground

 •Situational awareness 

•When is enforcement not worth it? 

Presented by:

Commander Caleb Davis has been in law enforcement for 15 years and has been a member of the Paso Robles Police Department for over 3 years. One of the duties within Commander Davis’s oversight is the City’s parking and traffic programs. Commander Davis has a bachelor’s degree from California State University, Long Beach, and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Walden University. Prior to entering the field of Law Enforcement, Commander Davis was in the field of education. He has continued his passion for education by teaching at the local community college and instructing several POST courses. Commander Davis spent five years as a motor officer, resulting in thousands of citizen contacts. Blending the officer safety tactics essential for our safety and the need to provide good customer service is a unique position for parking enforcement officials. Commander Davis will provide insight on how to effectively create this safe and productive environment.

Sponsored By: 

Paso Robles City Council Chambers
1000 Spring St
Paso Robles, CA United States
Event Contact
Donna King
(805) 227-7486
Send Email
Thursday, June 2, 2022 (12:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (PDT)

•Box lunch with ice breaker 12-1 

•1.5 hours training 1-2:30 

•15-30 minute break 

•1 hour training, round table, group activities 3-4

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