CMPA Parking In-Lieu Fee Roundtable
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 (3:30 PM - 5:00 PM) (PST)
Chrissy Mancini-Nichols and Sue-Ellen Atkinson will host a roundtable discussion on the impacts of recent state legislation on municipal Parking In-Lieu Fees and other local parking operations and planning results of AB 2097, etc. Come with your questions/ frustrations and leave with the shared knowledge of your CMPA colleagues. Join CMPA on Wednesday, March 1 from 3:30 to 5:00pm at the San Mateo Public Library in the Laurel Room.
Two hours of parking is available in the Library garage and refreshments will be provided.
Your Facilitators:
Sue-Ellen Atkinson - As the City of San Mateo’s Principal Transportation Planner, Sue-Ellen conceptualizes and implements strategic approaches to the City’s current and long-term transportation needs. She manages transportation policy, bicycle and pedestrian planning, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) policy and planning, Capital Improvement Projects, review of private development projects, lead grant application efforts for transportation projects, parking policy and operations.
Chrissy Mancini-Nichols - Chrissy has led over 100 mobility, curb management, and parking projects. She regularly works with cities and developers to modernize minimum parking requirements. She is leading a curb management research and development initiative with a dozen cities across the country to vet new technology, collect curb use data, and develop plans and policies. Chrissy is also leading a groundbreaking study to develop transit solar microgrids in California to power a 100 percent zero emission vehicle fleet and build multi-modal community resiliency hubs. Her grant development work has led to over $9.5 million in grant funding for electric vehicle and zero emissions infrastructure for local governments.
55 W 3rd Ave
San Mateo, CA 94402 United States
Meeting room:
Laurel Room
Two hours of parking is available in the Library garage and refreshments will be provided.